Cloud Update

Gimmal Records June 2021 Cloud Release

gimmaladminProduct Updates

Gimmal is pleased to announce that on June 18, 2021 the Gimmal Records Cloud Service was updated.  The Gimmal Records June 2021 Cloud Release provides the latest features to our cloud customers. 

Highlights of Gimmal Records June 2021 Cloud Release 

Gimmal email service option 

For Gimmal Cloud customers who wish to receive email notifications, this Email Service is a new option that allows a customer to bypass use of their own email delivery service settings to instead utilize Gimmal’s built-in email service.  When enabled this email service will be used for communications sent by Gimmal Records for our Cloud customers.  

SharePoint Online Connector optimizations 

Gimmal has provided several performance optimizations that have been implemented in the SharePoint Online Connector.  These optimizations will enhance and address performance around incremental classification.  In addition, an automatic retry to Activate sites that have gone Inactive due to previous error has been added.   

Cumulative bug fixes 

Please reference the Release Notes for a full list of resolutions. 

What a great kick off to the official start of the summer season – we look forward in continuing to provide expanded features and functionality for our valued customers! 

Gimmal helps you take control of your information. Our solutions help you streamline the discovery, migration, governance, and compliance of information without impacting your end users. Achieve information governance by ensuring information creates value instead of risks.