Gimmal Records Documentum Connector Update and 5.1 Server Release

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Today, Gimmal is announcing an updated version of the Documentum Connector for Gimmal Record, as well as the 5.1 Server release, is now available on our customer download site. Server releases are rollups of the cloud releases along with any updates necessary for the installation of Gimmal Records on client servers or virtual machines. 

The updated Documentum Connector will work with both Cloud (SaaS) and Server versions of Gimmal Records and will now allow the selection of which Documentum objects to crawl, correctly use the URI paths, have clickable DRL in record properties, which will also be the hyperlink on the Title property, along with UI changes to improve the user-friendliness of the connector. 

The release notes in the Gimmal Records documentation will detail all the changes made for this release.