Cloud Update

Gimmal Announces Integration with Box’s Leading Cloud Content Management Solution

gimmaladminBlogs, Newsroom

San Francisco, CA – OCTOBER 3rd, 2019 – Gimmal LLC, A Houston-based provider of information governance and compliance software, is pleased to announce the integration of their platform with Box, a leader in cloud content management. Box enables businesses to seamlessly and securely manage their most critical content in the cloud. As a Box Technology Partner, Gimmal can help organizations by providing an additional layer to govern information within Box and beyond all according to the same rules.

Gimmal Chief Technology Officer Chris Caplinger says, “Box is a leader in cloud content management, providing an experience users appreciate. By extending our platform to integrate with Box, we enable records managers to provide for consistency in compliance throughout the information lifecycle, regardless of whether a document lives in Box, a legacy content management platform, or a physical folder.”

Gimmal is attending BoxWorks in San Francisco, CA on October 3rd and 4th to share this message with the Box community.

About Gimmal

Gimmal provides the solutions organizations need to find information, govern content, improve business processes, and ensure records are in compliance, no matter where they are stored. Gimmal software automates processes, helps achieve interoperability between SharePoint® and SAP®, centralizes policy for legacy systems, and improves productivity across your organization at the lowest possible cost. Learn more at